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Ezibom Ophthalmology strives to be the hospital responsible for the eye health of the 700,000 residents of Jeju, offering the most excellent and safest medical services in Jeju. We provide Jeju's best and most systematic medical services with patient-centric, easy, and comfortable care, utilizing equipment comparable to that of university hospitals in Seoul.

Specialized Departments

- Vision Correction: Clear LASIK, Streamlight LASEK, Intraocular Lens Insertion

- Presbyopia and Cataract: High-end multifocal artificial lens insertion, premium continuous focus artificial lens insertion

- Glaucoma: Laser treatment, minimally invasive glaucoma surgery, standard glaucoma surgery

- Retina: 1DAY Retina Clinic, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, vitreous opacities, uveitis, etc.

- Pediatrics: Dream Lens, MiSight, low concentration atropine

- Examinations/Other Eye Diseases: Comprehensive eye examination, dry eye clinic, pterygium, conjunctival nevus, strabismus, lacrimal duct disorder

Our medical team at Ezibom Ophthalmology consists of four ophthalmology specialists, including those who graduated from Seoul National University. We are the only non-university hospital in Jeju with glaucoma and retina specialists available for joint consultation. Our testing and surgical equipment are also on par with university hospitals.

Additionally, we are unique in Jeju for having a building entirely dedicated to ophthalmology, providing precise and systematic examinations, in-depth consultations, and high-level medical services on each floor.